Contact Us

Please take a moment to complete our contact form, whether it’s for a general enquiry, you want more details on our IPAF Training Courses or you want to open a credit account with us – and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

Alternatively you can telephone us or send us an email using the contact details below for either our main office near Norwich, Norfolk or our new depot in Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire which helps us to cover a wider area of the south east of England.

Enquiry Form

    Contact Details

    Anglia Access Platforms
    Hill Farm,
    Watton Rd,
    NR9 4AR.

    Tel 0845 2600 191
    Fax 0845 2600 192

    Opening hours 08.00 hours to 17.00 hours

    Anglia Access Platforms
    Summit House
    Cherry court way
    Leighton Buzzard
    LU7 4UH

    Tel 01582 320671

    Opening hours 08.00 hours to 17.00 hours

    Open a credit account with us